Thursday, March 22, 2012

Hunger Games!!!

Are you excited???? Are ya? Are ya? Well I am because the show opens at midnight tonight!!!! I'm not going to it at midnight(please people, I value my sleep) but I am going tomorrow night and I'm really excited!!!

Have you read the book? It took me exactly two whole days to read it from beginning to end. Then I ran out and bought the next two. Because I was hooked... No wait make that obsessed!

OMG! Girls night out and we are all going to rock the side braid and and hunger games tshirts. Woot!!!

I will report in tmorrow....good night ya'll.

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Spring is Here?

Well then.

Spring is surely here...actually it skipped over spring and went straight to summer here in Minnesota. It's a whopping 80 degrees on St. Pattys Day (two days ago) and in the high 70's just days following.

What the heck??? This is almost unheard of! We usually don't usher in spring until late April, early May. This is AMAZING!!! It usually even snows a few days on April but all of the weather guys are saying it just won't happen because it's so warm.

Well then.

Saturday, March 3, 2012

The Lorax was Seussariffic!!!

What a terrific movie!!! Beautiful graphics, great music and a wonderful story line. If you have kids, I highly recommend going to see it.

It was Dr. Seuss's 96th birthday yesterday and the kids have been learning all about him this past week. Aliyah has been eagerly reading her favorite books and miss Alex has been reciting little nuggets of information all over the place.

So if you haven't yet, go see the show:)

Friday, March 2, 2012


Family means a lot to me and when I stumbled upon this little gem, I was in alt. Just look at this! I have had a lot of support and helping hands in the last few months, and I have come to value those friends. They listen, don't judge, give encouraging words, and are always there when I need a pick me up. So I wish I could create a "friend tree" as well. Happy Friday everyone!